Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Volunteer and you might find your soul mate

If you're looking for love and not having much luck, maybe you could increase your success by getting a bit more passionate -- about helping others.

When singles write to advice columnists complaining about being lonely, they are often urged to volunteer.

Read the rest of the CNN article here.

Personally, I have not met anyone while volunteering on a project together, but I guess you could say I met my fiance while working in Cambodia. It could have been considered volunteering at the rate I was being paid. We didn't work together, but he became my trusty driver and only friend for my first 9 months there.

We now have a small tour operation and try to put together small scale development projects out in the countryside as a way to give back. We both like the idea of helping others who have less opportunities.

If you are lonely, go out and find somewhere to volunteer today!

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