Thursday, September 25, 2008

My first week as a grad student

I think I will like grad school, despite the voluminous reading lists. I'm not certain how it will pan out with my cohorts: I am trying to be friendly and seem interested. After all, these are the people I'm going to be spending the next 2 years with.

My first class on Monday was International Business. It was filled with a bunch of what seemed like undergrads: little tykes to me. I really like the professor, and it seemed like a straightforward course with mostly textbook reading and quizzes.

After attending my POLS class that evening I decided to drop the business class. There would just be too much reading. Plus, I need to give myself a chance to get used to grad school.
Unexpectedly the Monday night POLS 515 class turned out to last only 1 1/2 hours, what should have been 4 hours. It's now going to be 3 hours. Yeah!

Tuesday night's class was quite nice, too. It was POLS 510 with the program director. We had an icebreaker where we had to ask yes/no questions to figure out the identity placed on our backs. I guessed mine within 3-4 questions: I was Sarah Palin. This class will also have a lot of reading, discussion and writing.

I hope I'm ready.

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