I'm taking a vacation this week and it's starting in Kuala Lumpur. It's not really a vacation as I am doing some sales pitches for Umbrella Tours while I'm here, too. It's not very easy to find tour agencies in this city. It's almost like finding a needle in a haystack, almost. I think I've been a little more successful, but it hasn't been easy.
Next stop, Singapore. I was there about a year ago and loved the two days I had there. This time it will be a little work with the tour promotions, but I hope to see some more sights.
I'm always astounded by the mix of nationalities in Malaysia. The US is considered a melting pot by some, but I really think that Malaysia is more so. For one thing it's hotter. But it really seems like the cultures have developed within and around each other without civil disturbances. It really seems to be a very developed and well-run country. The level of English is quite astounding too.